we Research
new technologies, integration and digital transformation, people, process, buyers and sellers from around the world
we Design
carefully crafted digital content that represent our customers in the best possible way
we Promote
we work out who to attract and how best to engage them, and then we maximise retention and conversions
our core values
design Excellence
we don’t just implement technology, we research and design solutions that enable our clients to reach their goals
attention to Detail
plan, execute, evaluate, improve all of these stages are important
work as a Partner
we see ourselves as an extension to the teams of both our clients and our suppliers and we are transparent and honest
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first define the universe
Our broad experience enables us to be truly platform agnostic, which is a necessary approach as most solutions are much wider than a core e-commerce platform, encompassing links and interfaces to a range of processes and technologies. Time and again we see cases where an e-commerce platform is chosen either on the basis of a narrow range of product features, or worse still because the technology partner only has skills in a particular e-commerce platform and always propose the same thing based on what they can deliver, rather on what is best for their clients.
Having a website is just the beginning!
We are experts in major e-commerce platforms, having implemented many solutions:
WooCommerce (WordPress)
a host of other technologies for particular purposes
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
~ Bertrand Russell
Scoping and defining requirements
The starting point when looking at an e-commerce project should always be based on a clear understanding of the project at hand. Scoping and defining a project gives a high level of clarity for all participants, and is the best way of ensure that the needs and knowledge of all stakeholders are taken into account. It is also the only way to ensure that a solution is fit for purpose both now and or the foreseeable future.
Business strategy
We always serve our clients and when we start the implementation phase of a project we try to stick closely to the project plan, which speeds up the implementation and keeps costs to a minimum. Perhaps it seems antithetical to put “Business Strategy” after “Scoping and defining requirements”, however this is the order that these elements are explored in many real world cases. First a particular element of a problem needs to become so pressing that a mandate to explore a solution for that problem is created. Then by defining the problem clearly this usually throws up a series of other related issues and puts the original issue into perspective.
Not reviewing the impact of all projects on the wider business strategy limits effectiveness and misses out on many benefits and advantages that could otherwise be achieved.
Engagement and conversion
Most people are familiar with SEO and paid advertising as means of attracting visitors. However the vital aspects of maximising visitor engagement and conversions is often not given anything like the attention it deserves, leading to enormous scope for achieving much better results.
Traditionally the first things that many clients will implement will be a stand alone solution for their consumer website, business-to-consumer B2C. Many companies will be implementing a further iteration of their B2C websites and they will be anxious to incorporate features that have been missing in the past. One of the primary things to focus on here is how e-commerce integrates with other systems and serves the needs of all stakeholders, including those within the organisation as well as customers and suppliers.

Henry David Thoreau
“ The price of anything is the amount of life exchanged for it”

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